
IMTX: Week 1

The only race on my calendar at the start of the year is Ironman Texas. This was the whole reason I started all of this. The desire to complete a full Ironman. That is swim 2.4 miles, cycle 112 miles, and finish it up with running a full marathon (26.2 miles).

With 110 days until the race, my team is already deep into their IMTX training block. I'm a bit behind right now after running the BCS Marathon December 10th. After the marathon, I took two weeks off running but kept up my bike and swim. Then the third week I was off completely while visiting friends in NYC.

My first real day back training was January 2nd with a climb up Alpe de Zwift and a 30 minute run.

January 2-7th TrainingPeaks

I wasn't perfect. Wednesday was pretty rough with me cutting my run short and not even attempting the swim. However, I am overall pleased with my training week including 2 full gym sessions and a light mobility work at home on New Year's day.